Dealing with Consequences

After arriving on scene in Farmingham, NH wanna-be marine Delia Hunter finds herself face to face with the real things that go bump in the night.  In a local diner, Delia gets a fast-paced introduction to the local color, both of the living and unliving kind.  Now Delia's joined up with the local demon fighters in an attempt to stop the bad from taking over.  But what Delia didn't count on was the consequences of fighting things much bigger and badder than her. 

In this story, Delia finds herself hospitalized after a Farmingham High School student with cursed earphones caused an apparition of her dead father to appear and beat her up.   Delia is left 'dealing' with her new 'friends', her mother's reaction, and the problem that arrives with much of the newly dead in Farmingham....

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